The foundation wants to give the widows and their children in the Upper East a good home. A complete home costs about 700 euro. Take a look at the pictures.

We also help widows to learn and to practice a profession. So they can take care of themselves and their children and generate an income. Widows can learn a profession for about 200 euro. Take a look at the pictures.

At last we give children the opportunity for education. So they can get a better life and future. One school year costs about 75 euro. Take a look at the pictures.

In 2024 we want to help 10 families (re)building their houses

In 2024 we want to support 65 widows in their education and work

In 2024 we want to support 20 children in their education
Do you want to support one of our projects? You can transfer money to our bankaccount
BIC: TRIONL2U NL68TRIO0390274240
Foundation Zaare
If you prefer one of the projects, please tell us in the description when you transfer the money.
Thanks to you, the widows and their children can have a positive future.
Thanks a lot!
We call our foundation Zaare, because the meaning of the word Zaare in the language Frafra is welcome. People around Bolgatanga in the Upper East of Ghana speak Frafra. Zaare is also a little place northwest of Bolgatanga. Our foundation support widows in the surroundings of Bolgatanga. On the map you can see the position of Zaare. Zoom out and you will see more of Ghana.